
The Mopar Mailing List (MML) is an electronic forum (via e-mail) for discussing all aspects of ownership and history of Chrysler Corporation motor vehicles. The list is unmoderated and has very few rules. Topics are wide ranging and include discussions on restoration, racing, car history, mechanical information and occasional get-togethers. We don’t care what type of car you have, be it a beater, a concourse quality restoration or a 10 second weekend warrior, if it’s Mopar or Mopar powered, you can discuss it here.


As some members have correctly observed, the MML is probably the longest continuous Mopar club meeting ever. Day and night, members are discussing topics of interest to Mopat fans. Ask question about maintenance on your modern Mopar, get feedback on parts for your classic, or speculate on the latest from Ma Mopar. We are just as obsessed as you.


We do have one official event a year, a club gathering at the All Chrysler Nationals in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USA. Formerly known as “Chryslers at Carlisle” or “C@C”, the MML registers as a club and participates in the club challenge. The event staff provide us with the use of a large canopy style tent, as a central location for us to meet and relax. The BBQ that happens every year on Saturday afternoon/evening has become very well known.


There are also a number of informal MML get-togethers at other times. Details about these informal gatherings can be found in the Upcoming Events section of this web site.


We currently have over 400 members, and typical e-mail volume is between 25 and 100 messages a day.

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